What is the business code for appliance repair?

The industry comprises establishments that are primarily engaged in the repair and maintenance of household appliances. The industry includes establishments that are primarily engaged in the repair and maintenance of appliances without retail selling new appliances, such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, clothes dryers and room air conditioners.

What is the business code for appliance repair?

The industry comprises establishments that are primarily engaged in the repair and maintenance of household appliances. The industry includes establishments that are primarily engaged in the repair and maintenance of appliances without retail selling new appliances, such as refrigerators, stoves, washing machines, clothes dryers and room air conditioners. The NAICS code 811412 (Repair and Maintenance of Electrical Appliances) is a last-level code for the “Repair and Maintenance of Home and Garden Equipment and Appliances Sector”. It has been verified that there are 16,746 companies active in this industry in the US.

Department of State, with estimated employment of 23,535 people. Do you want to send an email to the executives with the NAICS code 811412 (Repair and Maintenance of Appliances)? Below are some of the most common jobs available for selection. In addition, an error 404 not found error occurred when trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. One of the 11 sub-descriptions of NAICS National Industry 811412 (Repair and Maintenance of Appliances) is one of the 11 sub-descriptions of NAICS National Industry 811412, Appliance and Maintenance.

At the most specific level, there are more than 10,000 unique categories that are continuously updated in the 6-digit SIC code system, compared to 1057 in the NAICS system at the government level. A more common and highly detailed business classification system can be found with the SIC code system. PSC 7290 Miscellaneous furniture and appliances for domestic and commercial use. The following product service codes (PSC) are commonly associated with NAICS 811412 (Appliance Repair and Maintenance).

The identifier for repair and maintenance services of household appliances, of the domestic type and without the retail sale of new appliances is b9194789b2e6aea42c6deb149dadf16b.

Theresa Hubbard
Theresa Hubbard

Award-winning food lover. Freelance writer. Total food practitioner. Extreme analyst. Incurable music geek.

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